Gathering evidence after a trucking accident

On Behalf of | Apr 4, 2024 | Semitruck & 18-wheeler Accident Injuries |

Truck accidents and auto crashes are different in some respects. The truck’s weight and the size difference between the truck and smaller vehicles can lead to worse injuries for the victims. Additionally, federal and West Virginia regulations add responsibility to truck drivers to prevent collisions. However, truck accident cases are not as easy as many think. Particular types of evidence need to be presented.

Evidence needed to win

In order to prove truck accident injuries, it is important to gather evidence related to the accident as soon as possible. This includes eyewitness statements, police reports, photos of the damage and photo evidence of your injuries immediately after the collision.


Blackbox data includes other evidence types. Most commercial trucks have a data recorder. It provides information such as the speed at which the truck was traveling, whether the trucker applied the brakes before the accident, and how long the trucker had been driving.

Camera evidence

The in-cab camera records if the trucker is drowsy or engaged in dangerous driving behaviors. A rear-facing camera can also show whether the trucker is engaged in unsafe driving.

Cell phone records

The trucker’s cell phone records will show whether they were texting or talking immediately before the accident. This information may be pivotal in proving whether the driver was distracted.

Alcohol and drug testing

The driver may have had to undergo alcohol or drug testing in the aftermath of the crash. The results of this testing prove if they were drunk or high on drugs.

Personal truck records

The trucking company will likely maintain a personal file for the truck driver to establish qualifications. It can also show if the driver had a history of medical conditions that would impact driving ability or a history of substance abuse.

Maintenance records

Trucking companies are responsible for maintaining and repairing their trucks and not letting them on the road if there are maintenance issues. The trucker’s inspection record can be useful to determine the truck’s condition and whether it contributed to the accident.

The moments following a trucking accident can be very nerve-racking. However, taking the time to gather as much evidence as possible in the immediate aftermath can make it easier to prove your case later on.